Healthy Burger Name Ideas

50 Healthy Burger Name Ideas To Impress Your Customers

Looking for healthy burger name ideas? Find the best 50 healthy burger names to include in your menu. We all know a burger is a go-to fast food meal.

But let’s be real, they are not so healthy meal option. In that case, if you are looking to promote your burgers from a health point of view, then these names will do magic for your menu. 

I have curated these 50 names by categorizing them. You will find names under healthy burger with veg patty, with meat patty, and with vegan patty. 

This blogpost will give you creative and clever names that will promote your burgers in the right manner. Also, find tips for naming your burger, and factors to consider when naming your burger from this post. So, head to the entire blog below. 

Factors To Consider When Naming Your Burger 

When naming your burger, consider below factors:

  • Highlight Healthy Ingredients: The burger’s name should reflect the healthy ingredients used in the burger. If your burger contains whole wheat buns, then highlight the name like ‘whole grain turkey burger’. This name emphasizes the healthy ingredient which is whole wheat.
  • Make It More Creative: When you name your burgers in a more creative way, chances are they will be remembered. Moreover, it should make people curious about your burger. For example, ‘the green goddess burger’ could be described as a vegetarian burger and it also sounds creative.
  • Target Audience & Demographics: Your customers are the main people who are going to try your burgers. So, when you name burgers, keep the audience in mind. For example, if your audience are kids, then have a fun name like ‘superhero burger’. 

Best Healthy Burger Name Ideas

Healthy Burger Names
  • Vegan Burger Bliss
  • Healthful Harvest Burger
  • The Green Machine Burger
  • The Clean Protein Burger
  • The Veggie Monster Burger

Also read: 50 Cool Burger Name Ideas To Elevate Your Menu

Name Ideas With Veg Patty

  • Veggie Delight Burger
  • Garden Gourmet Burger
  • Vegan Burger Bliss
  • Plant-Based Patty Burger
  • Fresh & Fit Burger
  • Green Goodness Burger
  • Lean & Green Burger
  • Clean Eating Burger
  • Nutritious Nosh Burger
  • Healthful Harvest Burger
  • The Vitality Burger
  • The Wholesome Veggie Burger
  • The Green Machine Burger
  • The Lean Green Burger Machine
  • The Garden Burger Deluxe
  • The Healthy Harvest Burger
  • The Veggie-licious Burger
  • The Lean & Mean Veggie Burger
  • The Nutri-Burger
  • The Superfood Burger

Names With Meat Patty

  • Lean & Mean Burger
  • Protein-packed Patty Burger
  • The Fit Burger
  • The Muscle Burger
  • The Fuel Burger
  • The Energizer Burger
  • The Powerhouse Patty Burger
  • The Energizing Eats Burger
  • The Athletic Burger
  • The Fit Fuel Burger
  • The Lean Machine Burger
  • The Gym-Goer Burger
  • The Health Nut Burger
  • The High-Protein Burger
  • The Muscle-Building Burger
  • The Fitness Fanatic Burger
  • The Iron Burger
  • The Nutrient-Dense Burger
  • The Protein Plus Burger
  • The Fit Feast Burger
  • The Clean Protein Burger

Names Ideas With Vegan Patty

  • Green Burger
  • Veggie Delight Burger
  • Nutri Burger
  • Plant-Based Burger
  • Garden Burger
  • Veggie Bliss Burger
  • The Veganator Burger
  • Earth Burger
  • The Beyond Burger
  • The Good Life Burger
  • The Veggie Monster Burger
  • The Green Goddess Burger
  • The Happy Cow Burger
  • The Vegan Classic Burger
  • The Mighty Mushroom Burger

Also read: 50 Healthy Burger Name Ideas To Impress Your Customers


We have come to the end of this blog. This post has provided creative names for healthy burgers. By choosing these names, it will make your menu more lucrative to health-conscious people. Also, it will attract new customers to try your healthy version of burgers.

If you are looking for similar name ideas, then check out vegan burger name ideas. Follow BrandPeps for such name inspirations. Have a great day!

Saloni Desai

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